Becoming the first choice of engineers worldwide

June 2016
Infrastructure & Technology
Bjarne Aamli (N)
Nick Crofts (UK)
Peter Barratt-Jones (Rethinker.co)
Creative direction:
Jan van Buul
Peter Weber (D)
Erwin van der Heijden
Tycho Merijn
Rethinking Group
The challenge: a unique positioning for Flowtite
There is a natural tendency for technology firms to be product centered. Usually, it is the technology that has once lead to the foundation of such companies. Not surprisingly, the effect of rethinking this focus is huge. And this is exactly what we helped Flowtite do. As part of Amiantit Group, Flowtite Technology represents one of the world’s leading technologies for GRP (Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic) pipes. Aiming to be the preferred pipe technology provider for water transport solutions, the usability of Flowtite systems is virtually unlimited. No matter if it is a transportation system for potable, waste or irrigation water, or penstocks for hydroelectric power plants you are looking for, Flowtite Technology has a solution!
Despite the broad applicability of Flowtite solutions, for the average person, pipe systems are of limited interest. For the average engineer, this is a completely different story. Water transport solutions are essential for most construction projects. And with a wide range of material types and solutions available, how do you decide on your ideal business partner? Looking at this question from the perspective of Amiantit, there is a clear need to differentiate Flowtite from competition. Put differently, Amiantit is continuously looking to grow the share of the GRP-segment within the pipe system market as a whole, while at the same time strengthening the position of Flowtite within this GRP-segment.
Our strategy: the first choice of engineers worldwide
In a product centered industry, we felt the key differentiator for Flowtite would be to place the customer at the center of the business. To express this idea, we came up with the promise “the first choice of engineers worldwide”. In the end, there is nothing quite as strong as the endorsement of an industry expert. And to ensure this promise was brought to life, we turned to engineers to express their satisfaction with Flowtite solutions on camera. This resulted in great content for the Flowtite website and even more importantly, a credible source of publicity for the brand. What once were customers and engineers only, are true ambassadors now. This way we further increased the customer relevance of the Flowtite solutions and created a differentiator that can be used as a basis for future brand communication.
Turning your customers into ambassadors? Talk to us!
Snapshot of our work
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